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ECC Book Holds and Renewals: Book Holds

Book Holds

ECC Library Holds on a General Collection Book 

Holds may be placed on books for pick-up at a later date from the El Camino College Library.  This page includes the process for using this service through the ECC Library Catalog.

Holds Policy:

  • Holds only include items from the General and Music Collections (Course Reserves, Laptops/Hotspots/Calculators, Law and Reference Collection items are not included).
  • Holds are only kept for a maximum of 10 days. Items not retrieved during this time are placed back on the shelf. 
  • Only current El Camino students, staff and faculty have access to this service. 

Place a Hold for a General Collection Book

How to Place a Hold:

1. Log-into your account in the ECC Catalog (OneSearch).

2. Locate the book you are interested in placing a hold for. 

3. Click on the title of the book in the catalog.

4. Click on the "Reserve" option in the book record.

5. Place the latest date you need the book by and submit request.

6. Wait for an email confirmation that your book is available to pick-up from the ECC Library. 

Placing a General Collection Book Hold