The Ferguson's Career Guidance Center database is a comprehensive resource to quickly find valuable career information you might need, whether it's industry and profession articles, school planning resources, or skills and career advice. The material draws from a range of authoritative sources, including the Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance.

Learn about a wide variety of jobs and industries, scholarships, internships and professional programs, advice on applying for a job and acing and interview, creating a strong resume and cover letter, and more.

Here are some new updates and additions to this useful resource you might want to explore:

Job Postings: A new feed for live, nationwide job postings from

School Search: Fully updated with the latest data on undergraduate schools.

Apprenticeships and Internships: More than 1,100 new and updated programs have been addded.

Alternative Education Opportunities: This brand-new section on careers without college addresses the changing landscape of continuing education and provides information on options for good careers outside of the four-year college path.

Essential Workplace (or “Soft” Skills): Nine book-length units have been fully updated for the contemporary workplace to address AI, remote workspaces, and more.