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Zero-Textbook Cost Classes for Students

A guide for students at El Camino College.

Low Textbook Cost Classes Defined

Low Textbook Cost (LTC) is a course designation of class sections that use texts and instructional materials that cost a total of $40 or less combined, with the following clarifications:

Included in the $40 cost cap:

  • Textbooks and other text-based materials                            
  • Workbooks & lab manuals
  • Online homework platforms
  • Codes for publisher-provided curricular materials
  • Costs are calculated using NEW materials as priced from the ECC Bookstore

Excluded from the cost calculations:

  • Printing costs, unless a printed version is required for the course.
  • Computer software used across classes and outside of school (e.g., MS Office Suite, Adobe Photoshop)
  • Art Supplies, musical instruments, calculators, and other standard supplies needed to succeed in the class
  • Optional or variable cost items (e.g., theater tickets, art supplies, safety equipment, "recommended" readings)
  • Course & student fees 

Searching for LTC Classes

Low Textbook Cost (LTC) class sections are now easily searchable in the online Class Schedule.  Follow these steps:

1. Select the academic term being searched

2. Select the course subject  


3. Select "Low Textbook Cost" as an additional search option

ECC online class schedule search screen with the term, course subject, and course type as "low textbook cost" options selected.

Low Textbook Cost classes will be noted with the LTC logo:

ECC online class schedule results page with low textbook cost classes highlighted with a piggy bank logo and text.