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History 102 - United States Social History Since 1877: Exploring Background Information

Research guide for students in History 102

Explore Topic Overviews with Reference Sources

When starting your research, it is important to spend a little time doing some initial background reading on your topic to get a good overview, develop a basic understanding of key facts and get a better sense of the various issues related to the topic. This background review will also assist you in clarifying your research thesis and generate a list of potential search terms to use for locating further information on your topic.  

A good place to begin is by using Reference material.  "Reference works" is an overall term for resources that take an introductory approach to a particular subject and generally include encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, almanacs, atlasas and other introductory texts.  Reference works are usually written by scholars and contain the essential information you should know before beginning more in-depth research.

In the ECC Library, print reference works can be found in the 1st Floor East Reading Room and are items that cannot be checked out from the Library.  However, we also have digital versions of many reference works that can be accessed via some of the Library's databases (listed below).

Note Sometimes the term "reference" is used to refer to books that cannot be checked out from the Library.


Find Reference Books in the Library

Step 1.  To find reference works (in print and ebooks) search the OneSearch discovery tool, available on the Library Website, using the "Advanced Search" option.

OneSearch search box with link to Advanced Search

Step 2.  Enter your search term(s) in the text fields at the top of the page.  Select the options for "Books & Media (ECC)" and/or "Books" as the Material Type.

Image of search field options, including the ability to refine results by materials type Books


Step 3.  Refine your search results using the options on the left-hand side of the results screen. Click on the drop-down menu arrow under "Location" and select "REFERENCE Coll."

Image showing option to refine results to only books in the reference collection


Step 4.  Use the provided Location information for finding print reference books in the Library and the "Available Online" link to access available e-books.

Image of reference book results.  Print books have a physical location displayed, e-books have an "available online" link.


Search Library Reference Databases

The Library provides you with several databases that offer access to online Reference e-Books: