When Researching a company, make sure to know whether it is public, private or a subsidiary of a larger company.
Public companies sell shares of the company (stocks) to the general public, and are required to submit financial information and annual reports to the U.S Securities and Exchange Commission. Public companies are usually easier to research.
Private companies do not sell publicly traded stocks and are not required to release as much information to the government or the general public. This can make them more challenging to research.
Subsidiaries of public companies can be difficult to research because the parent company is not required to report on them individually.
Provided by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission contains over 21 million public company filings in the United States.
Provides a comprehensive listing of annual reports from over 65,000 companies.
Forbes Largest Private Companies
Library of Congress Business Research
Site provided by the Library of Congress to provide access to free resources available on the web for business research.
North American Industry Classification System
The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy.
Provides industry, as well as company information.
Provides country analysis on the economy, history, and infrastructure.
Provides current economic data on the U.S. economy