The El Camino College Library provides access to more than 200,000 eBook titles, covering a wide variety of subjects, that can be used to support classroom teaching and student research purposes. These titles are hosted on several different vendor e-reader platforms, which can be accessed via the the library's Databases A-Z Directory. Simply use the option to filter by "Database Type" to see the list of eBook platforms or search alphabetically. Note: Off-campus access will prompt a requirement to login using your ECC email & password.
Use the tabs at the top of the guide to navigate to information on using the different eBook platforms that you may encounter.
Scroll through our galleries of new eBooks recently added to the ECC Library collection.
EPUB has become the industry standard format for delivering eBooks, because it enables publishers to create books that behave more like web content.
EPUB titles are often embedded with links to help the user navigate between sections, from the index to the relevant pages, and out to the open web.
To learn more about EPUB format and the difference between EPUB and PDF format, see the following FAQs:
Library e-resources are accessible to current students, faculty and staff of El Camino College.
When using the databases and other e-resources from off campus, users will prompted to authenticate with their standard ECC username (email) and password. Once the requested information is entered, they will be able to use the databases, e-journals, and e-books just as if they were on campus.
If you encounter any problems accessing our e-resources, please contact the library and we will work to promptly resolve the issue.
If you can't come to campus and visit the Reference Desk, you can easily live chat with the Librarians to get help on your research project and citations. Just click the chat button on the bottom right side of the Library webpage.
Another Way to Contact Librarians
You can also contact the librarians by clicking the Ask-A-Librarian link on our homepage and submitting a question. The live chat may get you a response right away, but we will also be monitoring the Ask-A-Librarian questions page!