OneSearch is a discovery tool that allows you to search through almost everything the El Camino College library owns or has access to through one simple platform, including physical and online collection materials. It searches many of the library databases and is a great tool to use when you are still exploring a topic or have an exact title of an item in mind.
When searching OneSearch, there are many different resource types you can find, including those listed below.
Use the tabs on the left-hand side of this guide to learn more about search strategies and features of the OneSearch platform.
Though OneSearch is a powerful tool for discovering library resources, it does have certain limitations. There are instances when it is not the best resource to use, like:
Here are the pros and cons of OneSearch:
OneSearch searches most but not all things for which the ECC Library has access. Full-text content from the following databases may not be currently activated in OneSearch and should be searched separately. All library databases can be found using the Databases A-Z directory.
American Historical Periodicals from the American Antiquarian Society
Archives of Sexuality & Gender
Archives Unbound
Books in Print
Chilton Library
Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC)
El Camino College Student Media Digital Archive
Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center
Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia
Issues and Controversies
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
Mango Languages
Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers
Oxford English Dictionary Online (OED)
Peterson’s Test Prep
Publicly Available Content Database
Statistical Abstract of the United States
Swank Digital Campus
The Times Digital Archive
Today’s Science
Womens Studies Archive