You can take classes with free textbooks! Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) classes have no textbook-related costs, including access fees for online materials. Such classes often use online Open Educational Resources (OER) that give instructors (and anyone) the ability to freely share, use, and build upon a work that has been created. Your instructor may also be using library eBooks or other digital sources so there is no cost to the student.
Many instructors at El Camino College have chosen to use OER, and other types of learning materials, in their classrooms to cut educational costs for students. As textbook prices rise, more and more courses are utilizing OER textbooks to provide a free alternative to traditional textbooks.
Please be aware that there might be other instructional material costs associated with the course, e.g., calculator, safety goggles, instruments, etc.
Class sections at El Camino College are designated as being “Zero-Textbook Cost” if they meet the following:
Included in the cost caps are: textbooks and other text-based materials, workbooks, lab manuals, along with homework platforms and codes and/or publisher-provided curricular materials for students.
Excluded from the cost caps are: standard supplies (e.g. pencils/paper/blue books), calculators, class fees, or necessary learning materials such as musical instruments, art supplies, camera equipment and other such materials that have continuing and lasting value beyond the class term.
The college strives to ensure that ZTC and LTC designations in the class schedule are accurate; however, under some circumstances, faculty may have to adjust selection of instructional materials and this can affect course material costs. It may also be necessary to change instructors. Replacement faculty have academic freedom to choose instructional materials regardless of costs and are not obligated to use free course materials selected by an instructor previously assigned to the class.