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OER & ZTC: Open Educational Resources & Zero-Textbook Cost Classes

A guide for faculty about OER & ZTC at El Camino College.

Zero-Textbook Cost Classes 2023-2024

In the 2023-2024 academic year, El Camino College continued to increase the number of offered Zero Textbook Cost class sections reducing the costs of instructional materials for students using a variety of innovative methods including the use of Open Educational Resources (OER), other openly available digital instructional materials, ECC college or library purchased/licensed content, along with other methods.

Zero Textbook Cost Classes


  • 324 Courses were offered with at least 1 ZTC class section.
  • 1,283 Class Sections were offered
  • 343 Faculty reported replacing their commercial textbooks with OER or other freely available (to students) learning materials.
  • 37,895 ECC Students were supported by having zero textbook costs
  • $3.8+ Million in Textbook Costs Savings



ECC Student Impact Video

During the academic year 2021-2022, El Camino joined OER Liaisons from ten community colleges across California that participated in the OERI Student Impact Video and Survey Project supported by the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC). The team of 10 colleges created campus-based videos highlighting student experiences with textbook costs and ZTC/OER classes.

El Camino College Student Impact Video

ECC Student Impact Survey

In Spring 2022, ECC students enrolled in Zero-Textbook Cost class sections were surveyed to assess the financial and educational impact of commercial textbooks and students’ experiences of OER and ZTC texts.​

El Camino College Student Survey Results