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OER & ZTC: Open Educational Resources & Zero-Textbook Cost Classes

A guide for faculty about OER & ZTC at El Camino College.

Low Textbook Cost Classes Defined

Low Textbook Cost (LTC) is a course designation of class sections that use texts and instructional materials that cost a total of $40 or less combined, with the following clarifications:

Included in the $40 cost cap:

  • Textbooks and other text-based materials                            
  • Workbooks & lab manuals
  • Online homework platforms
  • Codes for publisher-provided curricular materials
  • Costs are calculated using NEW materials as priced from the ECC Bookstore

Excluded from the cost calculations:

  • Printing costs, unless a printed version is required for the course.
  • Computer software used across classes and outside of school (e.g., MS Office Suite, Adobe Photoshop)
  • Art Supplies, musical instruments, calculators, and other standard supplies needed to succeed in the class
  • Optional or variable cost items (e.g., theater tickets, art supplies, safety equipment, "recommended" readings)
  • Course & student fees 

Frequently Asked Questions

The following clarifies frequently asked questions about Low Textbook Cost classes:

  • To calculate costs, use the pre-tax cost of new book(s) as priced in the ECC Bookstore. Contact the bookstore manager for help with bookstore pricing.

  • LTC designation is based on the cost of new materials as it cannot be guaranteed that enough used copies are available for the entire class.

  • While books may be less expensive elsewhere, students using textbook vouchers must purchase them from the bookstore. It is important that student equity is considered.

  • If digital instructional materials are available to students through a license or access fee, those materials must have continued value to the student after the class ends. As defined in BP 4045, continued value is two years of access after the end of the course, or the ability to download, print, or otherwise retain a copy of the materials.

  • The ZTC clarifications related to optional print versions, costs for homework platforms, optional textbooks, and materials fees also apply to LTC. A class that uses free digital materials but requires students to print some of the course materials may be designated as LTC if the print costs can be reasonably expected to be under $40.

  • If a text is used across multiple courses in a sequence DO NOT base your calculation on the cost divided by those courses. For example, a text that costs $120 that is required for 3 sequenced courses DOES NOT meet the $40 or under label requirement regardless of where your course falls within the sequence of classes.  This is because:

  • Not all students take all courses in a series.
  • Students may take courses over time and may have to pay for edition changes.
  • Students must pay the $120 and cannot budget for 3 even payments.

Adding Your LTC Course in the Class Schedule

To designate your class section(s) as being zero-textbook cost, select the "LTC" option, as defined by the XB12 Instructional Materials Code, on the Textbook Adoption Form submitted each term. These classes will be made searchable to students in the online Class Schedule platform prior to registration. 

If using Open Educational Resources (OER), please share those materials by selecting the "OER" option on the Textbook Requisition Form and list the OER textbook citation and/or link. Please make sure your materials have been licensed as an OER before noting your online materials as such on the form. In addition to helping to inform student, it supports efforts to develop a repository of OER resources being used by faculty across the CCC system to aid others searching for open class content. 

Searching for LTC Classes

Low Textbook Cost (LTC) class sections are now easily searchable in the online Class Schedule.  Follow these steps:

1. Select the academic term being searched

2. Select the course subject  


3. Select "Low Textbook Cost" as an additional search option

ECC online class schedule search screen with the term, course subject, and course type as "low textbook cost" options selected.

Low Textbook Cost classes will be noted with the LTC logo:

ECC online class schedule results page with low textbook cost classes highlighted with a piggy bank logo and text.