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OER & ZTC: Open Educational Resources & Zero-Textbook Cost Classes

A guide for faculty about OER & ZTC at El Camino College.

Locating OER

As previous noted, OER are basically anything you can utilize in a course that are open to freely use - from full courses to textbooks, from individual modules to media components.  Unfortunately, there isn't a single tool that harvests everything for us, but there are three main sources for you can use to help identify OER materials:      

  • OER Publishers and Producers​      
    • ​Examples: OpenStax, Lumen, Saylor
  • OER Repositories
    • Examples: OER Commons, MERLOT
  • Public Domain Materials
    • Examples: Project Gutenberg, government documents

OER Repositories, Textbook Collections and Learning Materials

The ASCCC OERI has produced developing lists of OER by Discipline that is a wonderful starting place to see what content is being used for specific CCC courses. There is also a list of CCC-authored OER newly published or under development.

To explore samples of subject-specific OER resources please use the tabs on the menu (left).

Below are some of the more popular repositories and collections recommended for your search. YouTube, Google, Bing, SoundCloud, Flixstr, and other popular tools also have access to OER when you select that search parameter.