The ASCCC OERI has produced developing lists of OER by Discipline that is a wonderful starting place to see what content is being used for specific CCC courses. Efforts were made to identify materials appropriate for community college students, but the resources highlighted here are not comprehensive. Furthermore, new OER resources are regularly added to repositories such as MERLOT and the OER Commons. There is also a list of CCC-authored OER newly published or under development.
To explore samples of subject-specific OER resources, please choose a discipline from the menu to the left.
For links to searchable, interdisciplinary OER repositories, please see Finding OER.
If you find a resource not represented here that you think would be of interest to ECC faculty, please email Mary McMillan. It will be considered for addition to this guide.
Thank you to San Bernardino Valley College for curating many of the resources found in this guide.