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Resources for law and legal research

Overview of the Law & Legal Research Guide


This research guide pulls together a variety of resources that may be useful in your study of the legal field.

Need help with where to begin your research?  Click on the above tabs to find lists of books, journal titles, recommended databases, primary resources and reliable websites.

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Introduction to the Research Process

Research typically begins when you need information to solve a problem - fulfilling an academic assignment, professional project or for you own personal purposes.  Approaching the research process with a plan in mind will give direction to your efforts and help you stay focused.

research strategy will help you be more efficient and effective and enhance the quality of your research.  

The basics of the research process include: 

STEP 1:  Clearly define your topic & information need

STEP 2:  Begin exploring subject overviews for better understanding and to refine your thesis

STEP 3:  Consider potential search keywords and form the search strategy

STEP 4 Search for information using a wide variety of discovery tools and formats

STEP 5:  Evaluate information for relevance, credibility & currency

STEP 6:  Analyze & incorporate information into project

STEP 7:  Recognize sources used by giving proper citation



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