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Photo 150 - The Art of Photography: Locating Periodical Articles

Research guide for Photography 150

What are Periodicals?

Periodicals are published at regular intervals throughout the year such as a magazine, journal, or newspaper:

  • Newspaper: A newspaper is a collection of articles about current events usually published daily. It is a great source for local information.
  • Magazine: A magazine is a collection of articles and images about diverse topics of popular interest and current events. Usually these articles are written by journalists or scholars and are geared toward the average adult.
  • Journal: A journal is a collection of articles usually written by scholars in an academic or professional field. An editorial or peer board reviews articles to decide whether they should be accepted.

Finding Articles using Library Databases

What is a library database?

A library database is an electronic catalog, index, and digital warehouse for published materials. These materials most commonly include magazine, newspaper, and journal articles.  Often, other items such as books, videos, and audio files are included as well. 

Databases are highly organized and allow students to search for information on a topic by keyword, subject, author, title, and phrase. Most databases at El Camino College provide access to full-text content, which means that you will find entire articles available, not just summaries or citations of articles.

How do I access ECC Library databases?

From the homepage of the Library's website, look for the link for Library Databases A-Z listings to access available databases with descriptions of what content is accessible in each.  If accessing the database from off-campus, you will be prompted to login using your ECC email and password (same as used with Canvas & MyECC).

Once you select the database you wish to search, be sure to use the available search options and filters to narrow your results.  For example, you can limit to articles published during a specific date range, coming from scholarly peer-reviewed journals, or provide the full-text of the article.  

Recommended Databases for This Class Assignment

For your assignment in this class, it is recommended that you search these library databases:

Popular vs. Scholarly Sources

How to Read a Journal Article

This interactive tutorial introduces the parts of a scholarly article, and how to use an abstract to quickly determine relevance.

(Courtesy of NC State Univ Libraries)