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ESL Reading and Resources : Library Basics

The ESL Reading and Resources LibGuide is to guide learners through various types of ESL related resources and reading materials from beginning to advance English proficiency.

ECC Library

The El Camino College Library offers a comprehensive and diverse collection in print and digital formats to support course offerings, student research topics, and personal and professional enrichment. Access thousands of books (print and eBooks), periodicals (newspapers, magazines, and scholarly journals), streaming videos, and much more!

How to Sing In

El Camino College Library Update
Visit the Library home page for current hours. If you need assistance, email or use the Ask A Librarian service for research support.

Library Services
El Camino College Library provides a different range of services, including one-on-one tutoring for 20+ classes. Quick help with reading, writing, and math assignments. Access to computers, printers, and copiers. Click here for more information.

Return Your Library Books Anytime at Exterior Drop Box
You may borrow up to 14 books at the same time, and your student ID number serves as your library card.
Books can be returned to the drop box located in Parking Lot K, in front of the campus theater, or at the Library Services Desk. 

Where to print?
Visit the Study Center to print with assistance, and you have another option at the 
Library Lobby to print from your device.

Find Books in the Library Catalog

To find print (and some non-print) materials in the ECC Library, search the Library Catalog.

Finding Books by Subject Heading: Examples of Library of Congress Subject Headings include:

  • English language—Study and teaching—Foreign speakers
  • Readers for new literates

Browsing Call Numbers: Library of Congress call number ranges include:

  • LB 2393: Listening
  • LC 3731: Multicultural Education
  • PE 1128: Textbooks for Foreign Speakers
  • PE 1460: Idioms

How to Find ECC Ebooks?

How to Search in the Library Collection?

  1. Choose a subject/topic,
  2. Identify relevant keywords related to the subject.
  3. Conduct a search for relevant articles and books using the keywords in library databases or Google Scholar. Check if the results are useful for your research.
  4. If the search results are not relevant, update and revise your keywords by going back to step 2.
  5. Assess the accuracy and relevance of the sources you have found,
  6. If you use any of the resources, do not forget to cite them appropriately.

Where to Study

We have several locations for different purposes which you can Reserve.
1- Quiet spaces: Quiet Commons, West Reading Room, Research Center
2- Groupwork spaces: Collaboration Room, The Study Center

Library Workshops

The library workshops hosted at El Camino College are designed to enhance your research and information literacy skills. These workshops cover a variety of topics, including database searching, citation styles, effective research strategies, and more. They are free, and you can register here.

Find Article

First, you must know the different types of articles published in magazines, newspapers, or journals.
Magazines publish articles and images on diverse popular topics written by journalists or scholars for a general audience. However, journals contain scholarly articles reviewed before publication in academic or professional fields.
Click for more information

How to Find Articles in databases?

1- Exploring library databases. You can search the article databases individually.
2- Use the OneSearch platform to search multiple databases for articles available through the ECC Library. Furthermore, you need to get logged in with your ECC credentials to access the resources.

Library Basic Vocabularies

CALL NUMBER: The unique address in the library where you can find materials, displayed on the spine of books.

CHECK OUT: To borrow something from the library and take it home. 

CIRCULATION DESK: The desk in the library where you can borrow books, magazines, videos, and other materials.

DUE DATE: The date by which you must return borrowed items to the library.

LOAN PERIOD: The duration you can borrow items from the library. You must return them by the end of this period.

PERIODICAL: A publication, like a magazine or newspaper, issued at regular intervals containing articles.

REFERENCE DESK: A desk where you can get help to find information, either within the library or online. 

RENEW: To extend the loan period of an item, allowing you to keep it longer.

RETURN: To bring back a borrowed book or item to the library.

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