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Films on Demand User Guide

This guide provides instructions on how to use the Films on Demand streaming video database.

Closed Captioning

Most (but not all) videos in Films on Demand include closed captioning, and the database is adding new captioning to content every day. Captions are turned off by default, but can easily be turned on by following these steps:

  1. Click the cc symbol underneath the video. If you don't see the symbol, closed captioning is not available for this particular title.
  2. Click the word English to turn captions on.

Note: In order to comply with accessibility laws, videos must include closed captioning if you are embedding into Canvas or you are requiring all students to watch the video as part of an assignment. You can use closed captioning as criteria when searching for films in the database. Follow the steps for Advanced Search described in the Searching Options section of this guide.


Interactive transcripts are available for a growing number of videos in the database. With them, users can 

  • view the full-text of the video and follow along as the video plays
  • print the transcript
  • click on any word in the transcript to jump to that spot in the video playback
  • search the transcript

If a title has a transcript available, a "Transcript" tab will display on the View Video page.

Note: You can use interactive transcripts as criteria when searching for films in the database. Follow the steps for Advanced Search described in the Searching Options section of this guide.