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Films on Demand User Guide

This guide provides instructions on how to use the Films on Demand streaming video database.

Basic Searching

Enter your search term (either keyword or specific title) in the basic search box at the top of the homepage. 

Enter keywords or title in the search box.

Your results list will include segments and full videos with your search term(s) listed at the top. Filter options allow you to further narrow your search by subject area or sort by format, type, date, or producer.


Advanced Searching

The Advanced Search link gives you the ability to target your search, including only seeing results that include Closed Captioning.

Click on the "Advanced Search" link to the right of the basic search box.

Some advanced searching options include:

  • Searching using Boolean operators
  • Searching for specific types of content (e.g. documentaries, producers)
  • Limiting by related resources, interactive transcripts, or closed captioning

The Advanced Search form provides various ways to refine your search results.


Full Videos v. Segments

Most of your search results are segments of videos (usually 2-5 minutes), not the full-length film. The title of the full video or series is listed just below the title of the segment or video title. 

Next to the result title, it will display either "segment" or "full video."