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Library Support for Faculty

e-Resources and library support for El Camino College faculty.

Adding LLR and Others into Canvas Courses

Linking to Database Content

If you prefer to link directly to an individual library database (rather than to the full A-Z Directory), a saved search query, or to a specific source (ebook, article, film, etc.), it is important to use the persistent URLs (or "Permalinks") provided rather than copying the URL displayed in your browser address bar.  Using the latter will often lead to access issues, particularly if trying to open the link off-campus, due to the nature of the subscription setup.  Students will still be required to authenticate with their ECC emails & password.

Below are 2 examples of ways to link to specific library e-content including an individual database and to the record of an individual source.

Linking to a Library Database 

  1.  Search for the database in the Library's Databases A-Z Directory.
  2.  Click on the "share" icon found to the right of the database name.
  3.  Copy the provided URL for the database and paste it in your course page, etc.

Image of database listings.  The share icon is located to the right of the individual database name.  Click on it to open a pop-up window.  Copy and past the provided URL into a web browser or any way you want to provide access.

Linking to individual eBooks or articles:

Follow these steps to share a link back to a specific eBook, book chapter, article, etc. found in a library database:

  1. Locate the information source you wish to share from the library database or OneSearch
  2. Find the "permalink" in the record of the eBook, chapter or article and copy the provided URL.  (Note: some databases have you click on a permalink icon, while others will display the URL directly on the page of the record itself).
  3. Paste the provided URL in a web browser or from wherever you wish to provide access (e.g. email, Canvas page).

The example in the image below are from the EBSCO eBook and article databases platforms.

Embedding Films on Demand Videos

Embedding full-length videos and pre-segmented clips directly from inside Canvas is easy. Embedding allows videos to be played directly in Canvas without re-directing students to the Films on Demand database or requiring an additional login. To embed a video in Canvas, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the part of Canvas that you want to embed the video.
  2. Give your Assignment or Page a name.
  3. Click on the "External Tools" option from the text editor.
  4. Click the Films on Demand option
  5. Type in your search terms or the title of the video if you know it
  6. Click the search button
  7. When you see the correct video, click Embed (Note: Pay attention to the time and the title to make sure it is the video you want. You can also preview the video before embedding)
  8. Add any other criteria to your assignment and click "save" in the lower right




Turn on Resources in Canvas Settings

Steps for turning on Library Resources in Canvas: