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Library Services Guide

Everything you need to know about your ECC Library in one place!



Great for deep dives into a subject and you can see chapter titles after clicking a title.  Remember, books are published more slowly than many other information outlets, so it's best to go broader when using scholarly books.

Use the OneSearch platform (found on the Library website homepage) to search for print books and eBooks available through the ECC Library. eBook databases can also be searched individually.

Scroll through our galleries of new eBooks recently added to the ECC Library collection. To learn more about how to use the various eBook databases, click on the "Using eBook Databases" guide.

You can find e-books a few ways:

  • Search your topic in the OneSearch and limit to "books".
  • Or, go to the A-Z Database list and change "Database type" to "ebooks"

Encyclopedias & Reference Materials

Great for timelines, dates, background information, and biographies.