This community agreement pertains to the entire Library & Learning Resources and has been developed in partnership with ASO (Associated Student Organization).
In the Library & Learning Resources, members of the ECC community can expect to feel welcomed and undisturbed. Children and parents are welcome to co-study in the Library & Learning Resources. If something is impeding your use of our space, please ask your library staff for support. To align with ECC campus policy (BP/AP 5500), ECC staff’s directions should be followed at all times. The policies below detail how the ECC community can keep the Library & Learning Resources comfortable, clean, and respectful of everyone.
“If it's neat, you can eat.”
Noise levels should always be at a respectful volume that is considerate of others throughout the entire building. Your noise level should match the area you are occupying.
Smoking and vaping are prohibited in the library and on campus.
Schauerman Library has non-classroom public spaces that are occasionally utilized for library events. To utilize these spaces please reach out to the Library and Learning Resources Division Office,
For all photo and film shoots (i.e. student projects), specific permission from Library Administration is required in advance in order to protect students’ privacy. If library staff have not been notified, you will be asked to provide evidence of permission to photograph or film is required in advance.
The purpose of the digital signs is to promote the Library & Learning Resources’ services, collections, priorities, and activities and El Camino College activities to the El Camino community. If you would like to request a slide to be displayed, contact The Library reserves the right to not post signs based on messaging priorities, subject matter, format, design quality, time constraints, or other reasons. Please give us as much advance notice as possible.
Approved 3/17/21
LLR Division Council
Updated 12/22